Dominion: A good word for 2022

“Walking in Kingdom dominion as a son or daughter of the King.”

The word God has placed on my heart to pursue this year in learning about and walking in is Dominion. It is the key word embedded in the call, commission and purpose God created mankind to walk in in His image and likeness. So this word is pretty important for us to understand and walk in.

God gave us dominion as our purpose in Genesis 1:26-28. Dominion means kingdom; it has the same root word so when God created mankind male and female He gave us a commission to have dominion on the earth.

So we are to learn to have dominion more every day in every situation to not be under circumstances but to be the head and not the tail, to be above and not beneath in any situation. 

The Kingdom of God message is good news in the mist of a lot of bad news. For those who live and walk in the Kingdom of God, every day can be a good day, regardless of circumstances in the world. No matter how much unrest and turmoil swirls around us in the physical world, the Kingdom of God is stable. It cannot be moved or shaken.

No matter what is going on in your vocational environment; no matter what’s going on in the assignment that God has given you in every aspect of your life, you can learn to have dominion in that place that comes from the inside of you to the outside. You can learn to exercise dominion from the inside because Jesus said the Kingdom of God is in you and the Kingdom of God brings a stability because the Kingdom of God cannot be shaken.

The governments of this world are shaky and untrustworthy and the global economy is unpredictable. God‘s government, on the other hand is firmly established from eternal past and will be in place through eternity future, safe secure and unshakable. Unlike the Kingdoms of this world, God‘s kingdom is founded on eternal principles that will never fade or pass away. 

Mankind has tried in so many ways to relieve the fear pain and suffering that categorizes so much of human life on earth.

But the Kingdom of God brings solutions;  this King is the King of all kings. Our King created the university, the world and the earth that we live in and He has solutions in every foundational system of life and society. The Kingdom of God is the environment and the atmosphere everyone would choose if they experienced it.

And we have that Kingdom within us.

So we are to yield to the Kingdom of God to rule and reign in us. To calm our fears, to give us wisdom, to prove our Provision, to show us the protection that we have and to walk in the purpose of God in our life, in our talents and gifts as we embrace the plan of God for us as it unfolds before us so we have Dominion on the inside in every situation.

 This post is a new call to be powerful Gates of the Kingdom! 

The mission of the Gate and our core mission is encouraging, training and activating believers to be gates of God’s kingdom to release his goodness and life everywhere we are!

Let’s weave that in!

So let’s agree with Jesus’ declaration everyday: Come Kingdom of God…Be done Will of God on earth as it is in heaven! And actively embrace His rule, His benevolent dominion in our lives and in our environments on earth. 

Let’s do this!

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Ron Hamilton